Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another blessing has come our way...

Michael got a job! He has been looking for many weeks now and this wonderful position opened up just the other day! He will be the MANAGER for a parking enforcement company who patrols all over Provo and Orem apartment complexes. He gets to work part from home and is out and about the rest of the time (meeting with managers from different complexes, booting cars, and solving problems)! The pay is even better than what we were hoping for! They called him Wednesday night and he started today! WHAT A BLESSING! Thank you to all those who have had him in your prayers, they have been answered! Man, when it rains blessings it sure does poor! I am so proud of him and all his hard work! He will do a great job! Love you sweetheart!!!!


The Jensen Family said...

I am only half happy for you. I was praying you would get a job in Ohio hahaha. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preston and Lisa said...

Congrats Mike! That is awesome news! I was also praying for you to get a job in ohio :) But I am still so happy for you guys! Cant wait to see you!