One of our best friends, Seth and Cindy, got married in August and we are so happy for them! They are a stunning couple and the wedding day festivities were grand though I had to miss some of them, I was glad that I was able to make it to all the important stuff)! It is so good to see those you love get sealed together for all time and eternity in the house of the Lord. Thanks for letting us be apart of your special day Seth and Cindy!
The happy couple at the wedding luncheon
About a 6 weeks ago my dad had bought a few Bronco's tickets for their first home game of the season. Well unfortunately my mom and dad could not go so someone had to take the kids to the game. So surly Mike and I were not going to pass this opportunity by, we took the kids to the game. It was such a blast! Madi and I got all dolled up, we packed lunch so we could tail gate and we took off! Tailgating was great... we barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, had pasta and all the goodies that go with that! We tossed the football around and jammed out to some good music! The seats we had were amazing! We were right at the enzone about 6 rows up! Though I think that Madi and Mike both thought that the best part of the hole night was getting pictures with the cheerleaders hahaha! Our broncos did end up loosing the game but none the less we had a great time! Thank you so much again mom and dad for letting us go!

At the game:

This little girl that sat in front of us was so darling the whole game! She just loved it!
The gang after the game!
So I know there are a few of you who know that I am trying to start up my own craft business but I am struggling with the name of it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Meg's Making is the lame sauce name I keep coming back to but I want something a little catchier... like here are some ideas or words I like: precious pieces, sweet-n-simple, cherished(pieces,treasures), simplejoys, precious treasures, love them, love of gifts, etc. Ya... as you can see I am not quite sure what I am doing. What I do want in my name is some sort of explanation of why I am doing what I am doing. I love to make things. I do it mostly to fill in that little void that will be filled in one day with a little one from up above. I feel that when I craft, I feel like I can help someone out and give them a little piece of happiness. It is my out, my service, my way of sharing a gift (at least I hope it is a gift lol) that I have been given from my Heavenly Father. I love to find joy in other peoples happiness and I feel as if I am apart of their life's simple pleasures. I am not sure if that helps anyone but if you have any suggestions I WOULD LOVE SOME HELP!
In the meantime, Michael and I are hanging in there. We are counting the many blessings we do have. We have hit a speed bump in the road (though sometimes it feels like it is a mountain) yet we are pulling together and coming closer to our Father in Heaven through this hard time. There are many little blessings that we receieve each day and that it what gets us through! We are so excited for this next weekend because it is General Conference and we get to listen to the apostles of the Lord! How thankful we are for this Gospel and for the testimonies that we have!
Until next time, with lots of love!
My mom and I had our annual open house for Stampin Up! and it was AWESOME! We had a blast and had a great turn out! Our theme was a sweet shop and we had made a hole "shop" made out of sweets! In fact, it went so well that we are doing it again this next week! It doesn't cost a thing and we will have food, make-n-takes, classes to sign up for, clubs to join, free product, and stamps for sale! For those of you who are interested, it will be Thursday the 30th 6-9pm and Friday the 1st 1-4pm. I will be posting pictures later of all the goodies!
Another couple that are friends of ours had their baby boy about a month ago! We are so happy for McKell and Jason on their new bundle of joy! His name is Austyn and he is just doing great and is getting big too quickly!
Another couple that are friends of ours had their baby boy about a month ago! We are so happy for McKell and Jason on their new bundle of joy! His name is Austyn and he is just doing great and is getting big too quickly!
So I know there are a few of you who know that I am trying to start up my own craft business but I am struggling with the name of it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Meg's Making is the lame sauce name I keep coming back to but I want something a little catchier... like here are some ideas or words I like: precious pieces, sweet-n-simple, cherished(pieces,treasures), simplejoys, precious treasures, love them, love of gifts, etc. Ya... as you can see I am not quite sure what I am doing. What I do want in my name is some sort of explanation of why I am doing what I am doing. I love to make things. I do it mostly to fill in that little void that will be filled in one day with a little one from up above. I feel that when I craft, I feel like I can help someone out and give them a little piece of happiness. It is my out, my service, my way of sharing a gift (at least I hope it is a gift lol) that I have been given from my Heavenly Father. I love to find joy in other peoples happiness and I feel as if I am apart of their life's simple pleasures. I am not sure if that helps anyone but if you have any suggestions I WOULD LOVE SOME HELP!
In the meantime, Michael and I are hanging in there. We are counting the many blessings we do have. We have hit a speed bump in the road (though sometimes it feels like it is a mountain) yet we are pulling together and coming closer to our Father in Heaven through this hard time. There are many little blessings that we receieve each day and that it what gets us through! We are so excited for this next weekend because it is General Conference and we get to listen to the apostles of the Lord! How thankful we are for this Gospel and for the testimonies that we have!
Until next time, with lots of love!
1 comment:
That game looked like a blast! I have never been to a NFL football game. I bet that was fun! You are looking so cute and skinny. P90X? You look great! I wish I could come to your stampin up classes that sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you blogged, you need to do it more often. Miss you. Love you lots! XOXO
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